Is the Green Party leadership taking anti-Semitism seriously?

On Harry’s Place, here:

Somehow, the post disappeared on HP during its site move, I repost it here for reference:

Is the Green Party leadership taking anti-Semitism seriously?
In October last year, I made a complaint to the Green Party executive and Green Party Regional Council co-chairs, because of what I perceived as anti-Semitic abuse in one of the internal lists of the Green Party, namely the International list.

The thrust of the complaint was the absolute refusal by some members of this list to consider me as an ordinary Green Party member, and, instead, persisting calling me “an Israeli academic speaking on behalf of Israel”, this, being repeated over and over, in a climate of demonization of Israel, and even after I had made clear that I was not an Israeli nor an agent of the Israeli government (the latter had been explicitly suggested).

After deep thoughts, the Chair of the Party and GPRC co-chair concluded that “We do not agree with the complainant that comments made on this list were anti-Semitic, but we do agree that there is absolutely no place for racism, homophobia or anti-Semitism here.”

So, in the Green Party, it is OK to call a member who appear to have a Jewish name, “an Israeli academic speaking on behalf of Israel” and to accuse him (without the beginning of a proof) of being “part of the groups of Israeli academics who toured Britain in advance of the UCU vote to block it”. It does not even need clarification: the activists who made the comments above were not asked to post corrections.

When low level anti-Semitism is tolerated, it can be expected that more intense level of racist language will develop.

Indeed, in March of this year, one influential person in the party gave tacit support to the idea of “smashing” Jews who fail to denounce Israel (this conclusion can be drawn by putting together the content of a couple of postings from the individual concerned, see link at the end of this post). If this is not considered to constitute antisemitism, I would like to know what would. To take a not entirely dissimilar example, I hope nobody in the Green Party would find it acceptable for a Green Party member (senior or otherwise) to justify statements in support of “smashing” descendants of African slaves who fail to denounce Sierra Leone.

The casual acceptance of such serious abuse is a further cause of concern; these extraordinary statements did not cause an outrage but passed essentially unchallenged.

This matter has been raised again with the Chairman of the party by myself and others and is being considered further. If you are a Green Party voter, member or sympathizer, and would like to offer additional support, you can contact the Chair of the Green Party, Richard Mallender,

Like other organizations, the Green Party is not immune to anti-Semitism, but contrary to many other places, as shown by the publication of this letter, the Green Party is not afraid to deal with them in an open, transparent way.

Raphael Levy, Green Party member,

“Smashing the zionists”: not antisemitic

1 thought on “Is the Green Party leadership taking anti-Semitism seriously?

  1. leigh

    i dont see how the GP can be taking anti-semitism seriously! Not when caroline lucas is willing to appear on the same platforms as a leading figure from the deeply anti-semitic organisation hizbollah! An organisation which is dedicated to wiping out the state of israel, which cites the disgusting protocols of the elders of zion as fact, which denies the nazi holocaust of the jews took place and which supports terrorist attacks on israeli civilains.

    What the hell is caroline lucas doing appearing on the same platform as someone from such a rabidly anti-semitic organisation like hizbollah? It took place of course at a rally of the muslim brotherhood backed STWC and after reading the below post from a recent ‘anti-zionist’ shindig in cairo i wonder what on our leaders are doing appearing at anything at all orgainsed by this apparently willing tool of islamic extremists.

    But disturbing as the above link is it at least helps blow the lid on the apparent relationship between islamic anti semitic fanatics like hizbollah and organisations behind the ‘boycott israel’ movemment like the scottish palestinian solidarity campaign! A boycot campaign which to its shame the green party of england and wales has recently voted to join! A boycott campaign in which hizbollah and the odious muslim brotherhood are now shown to be playing a leading strategic role!


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